Blog, Pickleball Drills

Can You Play Pickleball With Bad Knees? Read Before You Play!

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By Jacob Jackson

Are you a pickleball enthusiast but concerned that bad knees might keep you from participating in the sport? Don’t worry, in this blog, you will get your answer regarding whether can you play pickleball with bad knees.

Additionally, this blog will provide important information on how to play safely and without pain while enjoying the game of pickleball. We’ll discuss what precautions should be taken when playing with weakened knees, as well as proper stretching and warm-up techniques.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, this article has something for everyone, read before you play!

Common Causes of Pickleball Injuries

Can You Play Pickleball With Bad Knees?

The short answer is yes, it is possible to play pickleball with bad knees. However, it is important to take precautions, and, follow the advice of a doctor or physical therapist before engaging in pickleball activity. It might be necessary to modify the way you move on the court or use specialized equipment such as knee braces and supports.

Additionally, if your knee pain becomes too severe during a game, it is best to stop playing until you can get medical attention.

Is Pickleball Bad on Knees?

Pickleball does not pose a greater knee risk than most other sports do. The low-impact nature of the game helps reduce strain on your joints and muscles, which can be beneficial for those with arthritis or joint issues.

To prevent any knee problems from occurring while playing pickleball it is important, that you warm up properly before each match, and stretch after each session.

Further, there are certain techniques players can employ to reduce stress on their knees. Such as using lighter paddles, avoiding sudden changes in direction, when running around the court, taking frequent breaks during long matches, and adjusting their grip when hitting shots.

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Risks of Playing Pickleball With Bad Knees

As discussed playing pickleball with bad knees can be a risky endeavor. The repetitive motions such as lunging and pivoting, can put an added strain on already weakened joints. Furthermore, the court surface of pickleball is often hard and unforgiving, which further heightens the risk of injury to bad knees.

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To reduce the risks associated with playing pickleball with bad knees it is important to take precautionary measures before beginning play. Players should ensure that their playing surface has enough cushioning beneath it, and, adjust their playing style according to their knee condition to avoid further damage or injury.


While there are risks involved when playing pickleball with bad knees these risks can be reduced significantly by taking proper precautions beforehand.

Listen carefully for signals from your body regarding any kind of discomfort during gameplay. Doing so will ensure that you have an enjoyable time on the court without putting yourself at too much risk.

How to Avoid Knee Injuries in Pickleball?

Knee injuries are a common occurrence in pickleball and can often be difficult to recover from. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to help protect your knees from injury while playing pickleball. Let’s have a look.

  • Always warm up before pickleball to stretch and loosen the muscles around your knees.
  • Avoid sudden stops, starts, and pivots, as these can cause strain on your knee joint.
  • Use good technique when serving and hitting shots because good form helps keep your knees safe.
  • Don’t over-exert yourself during a game of pickleball, try to take regular breaks to give your body time to rest and recover.
  • Wear proper footwear with cushioning and lateral support that helps protect your feet, ankles, knees, hips, etc. during play.
  • Be aware of other players who may be in proximity, so you can stay out of their way.
  • Strengthen the muscles around your knee by doing specific exercises such as squats, lunges, and leg extensions regularly at least twice a week.
  • Keep hydrated throughout play as dehydration can lead to fatigue, increasing the risk of injury due to muscle weakness from insufficient water intake.
  • Listen to your body, if it’s telling you something is wrong, then stop playing immediately, and seek medical attention if needed. Prevention is always better than cure.
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Can You Play Pickleball With a Knee Replacement?

Wondering what if you’ve had a knee replacement? Can you still play pickleball? The answer to your question is yes. So, for those with knee replacements, there are simple modifications, which can be made to ensure a safe and enjoyable game.

Like, it’s important to make sure the court surface is level and free of any debris or hazards. Plus, if possible, use softer balls, which are meant for indoor play instead of outdoor balls, which can be harder on the joints.

Additionally, wear supportive shoes with plenty of cushioning, so your new joint isn’t taking all the shock from each step.

With such minor adjustments, people with knee replacement can still enjoy playing pickleball just like anyone else.

Prevent Pickleball Injuries


Can I play pickleball with knee arthritis?

Yes, Pickleball can be a great way to exercise with knee arthritis. You should make sure that you talk to your doctor before playing, and get their advice on how to modify the game if necessary. Additionally, it’s important to pay attention to your body’s signals for pain or discomfort and adjust accordingly. There are special pickleball paddles designed for those with arthritis, so you can check them out.

What is the most common injury in pickleball?

The most common injury in pickleball is tendonitis, a condition caused by the repetitive motion of the upper body, and arms during gameplay. Tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons, that connect muscle to bone and can be especially painful when hitting, returning serve, or serving.

Is pickleball easier on the knees than tennis?

Well, yes, pickleball is easier on the knees than tennis. It involves less running and jumping, which can put a lot of strain on the knees. It also requires less side-to-side movement compared to tennis, which helps reduce stress on the joints. Additionally, pickleball paddles are lighter and have softer strings than tennis racquets, so players don’t have to exert as much force when hitting shots.

Well, It’s a Wrap!

Pickleball is a great way to stay active, but it is important to make sure you take the necessary precautions if you have bad knees.

Let’s quickly recall, what we discussed: can you play pickleball with bad knees?

When playing pickleball with bad knees it’s essential to warm up and stretch properly before playing, wear the right shoes and braces or supports on your knees if needed. Plus, ensure that you are using proper technique while playing and take frequent breaks if required.

With all of these safety measures in place, you can enjoy a fun game of pickleball even with bad knees. Ultimately, it is important to listen to your body, and, know when it’s time to take a break or stop playing altogether if the pain becomes too much.

So, if you are looking for an enjoyable and social sport to play, pickleball is a great option. Just be sure to use caution when playing, especially with bad knees.

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